Thursday, 9 October 2014


Being safe

To feel safe is such a human need, especially when we delve into the loving and exacting power within, where truth uncovers a process that makes us feel vulnerable … where tears flow and anger erupts, yet we still know we are held in loving arms of grace and deep consciousness. It is where “being” all parts of who we are meets consciousness and transformation begins.
This book is an inner journey, and I invite you to join me. It is a perfect time to be here in Crete. I feel I am going out on a limb, risking deep changes in my life path—“the shift” as motivational speaker, Wayne Dyer, calls it, “from ambition to meaning.” It is a journey to the afternoon and evening of a meaningful life!

Dive deep with me!

So as I dive daily into the warm blue Libyan sea, I ask you to dive in too. The message in this book is divided into a series of dives (some quite beautifully fierce) inside to the “power within”! I know I need divine inspiration, which I ask for daily, and moment-by-moment in my meditations and affirmation prayers. Let me tell you a story about those hidden gifts we all have when we take risks to go into a desert retreat.


I affirm you may find this book similar to the story from poet, philosopher, and scholar John O’Donohue in his book Anam Cara: A Book of Celtic Wisdom.

The king and the beggar’s gift

Once upon a time there lived a king who was so popular that his subjects would often bring him gifts just to show him how much they loved him. They brought him exquisite ornaments, expensive jewelry, fashionable clothing, exotic foods and spices. The king received these graciously, and felt very humbled by the generosity of his subjects. One day, a shabbily dressed man appeared at the palace. “I would like to see the king,” he told the palace guard. “I have a special gift for him.”
The king wasn’t terribly busy that day and so the poor man was shown into his presence. He bowed low before his sovereign, and taking out a melon from his bag, he said: “Your majesty, please accept this melon as a token of my esteem and affection.” The king thanked him politely, but since he didn’t much like melons, he handed it to a servant and told him to throw it into the back yard.
The next week the poor man appeared again, and once more he presented the king with a melon. As before, the king told the servant to throw it away. This went on week after week, but the king was too polite to tell the man that he wasn’t eating the melons.
One day, just as the man was about to hand over the melon, the king’s pet monkey jumped down from the window ledge where it had been sitting and knocked the melon to the ground smashing it to pieces. When the king looked at the mess on the floor he noticed on the floor a glistening stone. He picked it up and found that it was a diamond; a bigger diamond than any he had ever seen in his life. He immediately went to the back yard of the palace where the other melons had been thrown, and, sure enough, in the middle of all the rotting fruit, there were numerous huge diamonds.

What I want to emphasize with this book and my story is the spiritual principle that the things we don’t like often can contain the greatest treasures. Sharing our negative beliefs, our tears, our lies, our angers, and our guilt can invite the Source to heal the wounds we bear from these experiences. With one proviso, we don’t become a victim to that pain. And you might ask yourself, when in your life have things you thought were going to be awful, become a source of healing, inspiration and happiness? I know I have made many mistakes by holding onto lies about life and myself. Yet I know divine love holds me through those dark nights of soul retrieval.

Wednesday, 8 October 2014


Warrior love, in a rapidly changing world, is for all granddaughters, grandsons and future generations. May they know that what we do now, in learning to love who we are, helps everyone to grow in a world that is safe for future humans to love each other. It is dedicated to warriors of love like Nelson Mandela and Aung San Suu Kyi. And to all unseen warriors of love.

What we do now with our thoughts, beliefs and actions, is vital in laying foundations to create a truly loveable world. Our willingness to move from fear to love, I believe, can create a safe earth and a much safer, spiritual, loving and loveable race called human beings. Warrior love is one agreement that says: The more we each choose to love the miracle we are, the more this enhances new types of love relationships for future generations to live more peacefully and richly on planet earth.
I want this little book to assist a process of growth where we can be free energetically and emotionally like a 2 to 4 year old, yet balanced like an authentically growing wise spiritual adult!

It is dedicated to Antoine De Saint–Exupery, “The Little Prince” in us all, where; “One must look with the heart” and become a ‘warrior of heart love’, even when life throws us tough experiences!

Wednesday, 1 October 2014


Why do each of us believe in our own lies?

Why do each of us tell lies?

What is a lie?

What is hell?

Why do we believe we are not in hell?

What can heal our hell? Is heaven impossible? Is there heaven?

Questions that hurt, are a mirror of what is inside our consciousness and subconsciousness.

What is the art of love and forgiveness?

How can we stop our capacity to love, be loveable and loving, from being bullied, by what we hear, see and experience each day?

Why even when we speak the same language do we misunderstand each other?

Why do we have so little self compassion and deep compassion for our planet?

Why do we sit in judgement and reject and annihalate people around us?

Why do we judge ourselves so harshly?

Why in the book of faces, (social media) do we pass pieces of wisdom to each other?

Why do I believe in lies? Do I hope there is truth?

Can we stop this war of lies, that tells us life is hopeless and we are just going to kill ourselves and our planet?

Can we wake up to loving ourselves and loving each other and our planet?

Can we create truly sustainable ways of parenting ourselves, our children, our community?

Can we be at peace and keep that peace? Or will the drugs of addiction keep calling us to war in mind, body and soul?

Can we create questions that create trust, empathy and no victims?

Can we dissolve the barriers between our mind, body and soul?

Can we truly change our thoughts and change our lives?

Can we create climates of TIME TO THINK and LEARN TO TRULY LOVE?

My love Roger