Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Creating freedom to be a warrior of love.

Warrior love is our inherent ability to be love, radiate love and be free with a natural mind, body and soul made by and for sexual and spiritual love. 

If this energy is repressed day in and day out in childhood we have a human being feeling the emotions of fear, guilt and resentment. We have armoured humans hurting themselves and each other.

Authoritarian personalities create regimes consisting of politicians and religious leaders that create wars of fear in peoples minds. I believe to dissolve these unnatural beliefs we need to develop an inner warrior of love that says, "OUT," to the old conditioned way of being fed polluted emotional and physical food thought, and all the negativity that goes with this.

I believe we are born to be warriors of love, it is our birthright to be warrior love and not take on the pain and guilt of our parents who were doing their best with what they were conditioned by!

Warrior love teaches people to take off the blockages of repressed energy, especially our sexual energy. As Reich put it so succinctly 

"Sexually repressed individual lacks self-confidence and inner direction and therefore is easily led around by leaders and authorities and dictators. Therefore oppressive and authoritarian rulers always make it their first item of business to prevent people from enjoying a free and natural, and satisfying sex life. They try to make everyone think in terms of what is right and wrong and what is your duty rather than in terms of what do you really want and what makes you happiest. They try to impose morality rather than liberate everyone's natural love and goodness." Quote from 'Blatant Raw Foodist Propaganda by Joe Alexander.

Authoritarian political and religious regimes go hand in hand to make people fear their own wonderful natural energies. I love the affirmation: "I LOVE AND APPROVE OF MYSELF EVEN WHEN LIFE IS TOUGH!"

Warrior love is touching the core of our being with courage, truth, forgiveness and creativity. Where we choose to create freedom to love and be love. And so it is.

Monday, 27 January 2014

What is Warrior Love?

WARRIOR LOVE is one man’s journey moving from monogamy to polyamory. (Having more than one intimate relationship.)
In our fast-changing world where we live longer and are in personal growth Roger asks:
Is monogamy the best type of relationship for controlling our fears of being abandoned, rejected and coping with gut wrenching jealousy?
Can love survive that is based on wanting to control our primary partner with fear that if we have intimacy with another person then we must leave our primary partner or be rejected?
Does monogamy lead to being taken for granted and monotony? Will Polyamory, having openly and honestly more than one intimate partner, (that may or may not involve sex,) lead to crossing boundaries and inevitable jealousy with our primary partner?
Warrior Love is a book at the right time to look carefully at our attitudes to intimacy and sexuality in the 21st century.

Does unconditional love thrive in a one-to-one relationship? Or do we just have secret affairs? Or would we like to, but fear stops us?
Roger’s personal journey in Warrior Love reveals a man in a monogamous marriage becoming gradually open and partly honest about being able to have relationships with more than one woman that involves consensual sex. However, he kept a number of sexual relationships a secret that led to his primary partner leaving after 27 years of marriage.
Out of this painful experience, Roger challenges us all with a waking vision to see humans becoming more honest about our ability to love more than one person or relate to different people that meet different needs, over time, emotionally, sexually and spiritually. He wants us to envision society being truly enlightened by choosing responsible open relationships that are equal between genders. Where no lies have to be held in the heart that eat away at love.
The book challenges us all with the need for honesty about why we are possibly hiding in relationships and marriages of monogamy, when actually, if we were more honest, we have the authentic capacity to be in different levels of intimacy with different partners at the same time. Could open responsible relationships empower us to find true pleasure and happiness? Relationships where we will not be conditioned by religion that tell us; “we will go to hell.” Sometimes we stay in monogamy that is hell!
Roger asks us to wake up to being wildly and wisely free with truth and courage. His book has beautiful stories that unfold his personal teachings and insights.  His story reveals that his secret relationships came back to haunt him with guilt and shame.  Yet as he retreats to Crete and writes warrior love, he becomes more honest and free in his love of self and others, he finds shame resilience, which attracts stronger self-esteem and self-compassion.
Roger suggests we may need, at times, to be celibate or monogamous and at other times have more than one relationship. Polyamory is not an easy option; it requires good communication skills and a courageous integrity – although our hypocritical society often teaches us the opposite; of holding secrets that control us through fear. 
The book asks: Do we need one person to attach to in a partnership? (Like a child to a mother!) Or does this become monotonous? Does polyamory always mean handling jealousy? Or could we learn to love our primary partner even more when returning happy after being with another loving person and giving us even more love? Could human consciousness learn Compersion?
Compersion is an empathic state of happiness and joy experienced when another individual experiences happiness and joy. It’s a new concept that at least helps us handle jealousy and the fear of not being good enough! 
The book asks if some people are more naturally free of emotions like jealousy... or do they handle jealousy well and choose not to control their primary partner with threats of leaving or becoming a victim?
The book comes at the right time to help men especially, to be more open and honest, so our grandchildren and their children will grow in families and communities where it is safe to love and be loved and where we are all loveable.

Our world needs more freedom to love and be true to our need for intimacy more than ever. Could we put more genuine love into a world that is crying out for open honest love?

My love and support Roger King.

To contact me see I am open to giving talks, radio and TV chat shows.

27th Jan 2014

Thursday, 23 January 2014


The Sailor and the Teacher

Ayra earned his living by taking people on short boat trips. He came from a nautical family, and although he’d never had any formal education, he had learned all about sailing from his father and grandfather.
One day a schoolteacher, who fancied a few hours at sea in order to rest from the rigors of the classroom, hired him. He’d not been on Ayra’s boat long before he asked: “What do you think the weather’s going to be like today, Ayra?”
The sailor assessed the strength of the wind, examined the sky, looked at the sea and then said, “I think we is going to have a storm.”
The teacher looked shocked. “What? Can’t you speak properly? You shouldn’t say ‘we is.’ You should say ‘we are’! Didn’t anyone teach you grammar?”
“I’m a sailor,” replied Ayra. “What do I need grammar for?”
“Because, if you don’t know grammar, half your life is wasted!” the teacher sneered, as he settled down to read his book. Within minutes, and just as Ayra had predicted, the storm clouds began to gather, and the waves became choppy. Ayra became anxious as the boat was tossed on the rough sea.
“Did you ever learn to swim?” asked Ayra.
“Why should I learn to swim? I’m a schoolteacher!”
“Well then your whole life is wasted, because this boat is going to sink any minute now!

Quiet Revolution

The Quiet Revolution of abundant Warrior Love
I suggest warrior love is about exploring our capacity to draw from an infinite wise well of love. That loving relationships are the norm and we are naturally good at loving, where we no longer allow our parasitical negative conditioning to puncture our natural ability to be love, loving and loveable.
I suggest that we need alternative ways of reconnecting to warrior love.  I believe we need different people at different times in our life that bring fresh love into our lives; that one partner for life, often cannot suffice for our real needs.  Our conditioned fear so often says, “no!  I want just one person to love me and nobody else.” Where the fear of abandonment is too much.
I suggest we need new relationship choices and the one I talk about later in this book is Polyamory – which simply means we openly and honestly love more than one person and are learning without guilt or shame to be honest to our primary partner and vice-versa.
I believe we can learn how to reduce jealousy and making each other and ourselves wrong for this open relationship change!  Monogamy has served us as one model for many generations.  However, people are becoming increasingly separated, because we, as individuals, are rapidly changing and one reason for this is that we are learning to love who we truly are.  This in turn can make us more loving and loveable. This new way of being needs to be embraced and understood otherwise future children will grow in an atmosphere of conflict and arguments of “who is right?” and “who is wrong?”

A new consciousness creates a new reality
With self-help books and therapies, we learn about our different energies of self-love, self-compassion and self-worth. These qualities are gradually permeating into consciousness. However, often it is only one person in a partnership that is willing to grow, and the partner who is working on their past hurt becomes frustrated on many levels and can choose to seek love elsewhere. (I realize this is a generalization).
So this dream and vision is to challenge us as humans that we are born to love and be love. That if we increase (authentic) teachings of self-love we need to create a conscious society and culture that validates more honesty about our need to seek “open love” that learns to dissolve jealousy and lies and abuse. I believe we can do it with powerful inner wisdom.
In my opinion, if mankind was helped to be more aware and conscious about our ability to love more than one person, and we chose to be free to love with openness and honesty, could wars stop and slavery in all its forms cease? Could spiritual and sexual abuse and negative addictions of all kinds dissolve by learning what I call warrior love? We need to be brave with inner wisdom and create strong role models that can wake us up to our ability to love without shame, guilt and fear.

Warrior love is about creating a culture where it is safe to be open and honest about our ability to love openly—not hiding and hurting others and losing integrity. I ask: Can we shift in consciousness about our (apparently hard-wired) jealous feelings if our partner is attracted to someone else? What would our society be like if each of us took our personal power to share more openly, communicating honestly about our emotional and sexual needs, without vilification? Nearly everyone learns, in our monogamous society, that spouses have exclusive rights to each other. We are conditioned to feel that if our partner is interested in someone else we will be replaced—or that it is a personal rejection of ourselves. I will carry on in future blogs!

What is Warrior Love?

Warrior love is about learning to be courageous with your inner love of self, others and life.

It is about being love with truth, forgiveness, 
creativity, and being prosperous in time, health, friendship, comfort and money. 

Warrior Love permeates "source" to open new 
positive doors to life.

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

There are times in life when I attract tough experiences into my life. This is when I need to learn lessons and dive deep into that experience. 
When I am willing to be vulnerable I increase my ability to be intimate and mindfully connected to others.

The book Warrior Love was begun on retreat in Crete and is going into production 6 months later with Balboa Press. (Subsidiary of Hay House.)

One insight is clear to me that I attract exactly the right people and inspiration to work through these tough experiences. 

I have learnt so much about myself and those who are close to me. 
I am learning to live what I teach and become more transparent.
I affirm that out of tough experiences arises authentic character strength.

If any body reads this I would love to make genuine contact. THANKS 

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Today Warrior Love goes into production @ Balboa Press. I feel such gratitude to all my friends who have supported me and all who believe in love dissolving fear. Thank you. 


Today Heal Your Life session in Bradford Yorkshire UK. It is a privledge to work with people who are willing to learn to love their despite tough life experiences.

Monday, 20 January 2014

Warrior love, in a rapidly changing world, is for all granddaughters, grandsons and future generations. May they know that what we do now, in learning to love who we are, helps everyone to grow in a world that is safe for future humans to love each other. It is dedicated to warriors of love like Nelson Mandela and Aung San Suu Kyi. And to all unseen warriors of love.

What we do now with our thoughts, beliefs and actions, is vital in laying foundations to create a truly loveable world. Our willingness to move from fear to love, I believe, can create a safe earth and a much safer, spiritual, loving and loveable race called human beings. Warrior love is one agreement that says: The more we each choose to love the miracle we are, the more this enhances new types of love relationships for future generations to live more peacefully and richly on planet earth.

Marketing Warrior Love

I am learning how to market my new book called Warrior Love that is being published by Balboa Press.

The book is my inner journey in Crete as I separate from my partner after 27years. It asks questions that are challenging our ability to create relationships of love & intimacy. It has beautiful spiritual stories. Do see my website