Saturday, 4 July 2015


Everything in my experience, especially in relationships, is a mirror of the mental pattern that is going on inside me! When I lie to myself, it hurts and creates more lies. Until I confront those half-truths and come clean, I hide my true talents, and my ego stops my ability to love life.

     When I facilitated HEAL YOUR LIFE sessions I witnessed people’s mental and spiritual hearts expanding with forgiveness and truly owning their family emotional patterns that have hindered awareness of the inner miracle of their lives. To hide our miracle of love is such a waste of energy. The music of their souls shines great healing to each other. As trust grows, I do less teaching and let their “heart wisdom” begin to open new doors of opportunity. I just give thanks for the process that unravels each person’s unique healing. Sometimes I am asked, “What is good health?” Then I remember, word for word, the following quote from Heart Thoughts, by Louise Hay:
Good health
Is having no fatigue,
Having a good appetite,
Going to sleep and awakening easily,
Having a good memory.
Having good humor
Having precision in thought and action,
and being honest, humble, grateful and loving.
How healthy are you?
Well, I still have work to do; the real difference now is that I enjoy the journey even when it gets tough! Perhaps the title of my next book will be Divine Mind Willing.

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