Thursday 9 July 2015


Children love to be loved by adults who love themselves from a place of deep personal integrity.
Imagine that our children are mentored in strong self-esteem, warrior love, from year one, by parents and teachers who love who they are; experiencing self-love, especially at school and other places of learning. This would be such an exciting adventure for young minds. Children love to be listened to about all subjects, especially learning to love self without shame and guilt. I believe bullying and early abuse dissolves together with wise boundaries of self-love and self-knowledge. I see warrior love being taught in schools and through college life and even in businesses and government organizations. Warrior love includes teachings that serve our rich humanity—not just cramming knowledge.

In my vision, men and women of all generations dissolve their “secret lives” that come from stories of pain, and alchemize it with becoming “brave” with truth. We learn Toltec wisdom from teachers like Don Miquel Ruiz:
To be impeccable with our word; where we no longer take things personally; we no longer make assumptions; and we always do our best.

Our healing energies increase moment by moment as we create new beliefs and agreements that assist right-action to heal the “dream” of this wounded earth. We create a culture that mentors and shares what helps to create loving relationships with self and others. This information, with practice and will power, becomes a priority for each of us to learn. Enlightened women, men, and children become our authentic warrior guides and we learn to trust each other through trusting our inner power of warrior love.
Forgiveness and letting go blame, by men and women, becomes our hallmark of regaining trust. No longer do we stay victims with a harsh judge. We become dream masters. We become truly responsible by being intuitively wild and free. Self-love opens us to a key that opens our heart; our story is shared with “brave vulnerable truth.” We choose to love and become warrior love – even when life is tough.
Money becomes a transaction of abundant love. There is only one world – no third world!  Feminine energy is wisely integrated into business and all transactions. Co-operation of skill and knowledge opens new avenues of sustainable methods of living.
Religions no longer compete for our minds. Each soul is a priestess or priest. Life is seen and experienced as an exciting school that unfolds with delightful surprises. People’s minds, bodies, and souls, wake up from being negatively domesticated. When we become aware that we are not free, we take right action to be truly free from a virus of self-destruction. Chaos becomes a true heaven on earth.
Families, communities and countries co-operate. Manipulation through guilt, resentment, criticism, jealousy and fear are dissolved by being constantly connected to the power of spiritual and sexual healing energies within each of us. We learn to wake every day with gratitude and practice the gentle art of blessing. As we build gratitude we attract prosperity of every kind: Friends, time, good health, and wisdom.
Instead of being victims, warrior love assists people inside work organizations to free their hearts and attract work they love. Humans share with a warrior heart to become brave and truthful with all that they think, say, and do.
As we embrace warrior love we create a paradigm shift of consciousness to live an enlightened life that creates miracles of healing whenever needed. We no longer survive; we live our love energy in the now.
Change is healthy, as we become open and receptive to being truthful to our partners and ourselves. “Time to Think” with friendly thoughts and beliefs in our minds is natural.  People listen to themselves and each other with love, forgiveness, and appreciation. We make real advances in being truthful about our spiritual and sexual desires. Our “earth guide only” (ego) is loved in such a way that it moves us from fear to authentic love. We don’t fight our ego, we dissolve its fear around our death. Because we realize we never die, we just transmute into spirit of a higher vibration of love.
Governments and religious leaders of countries are made up of people who love life and new agreements are made with consciousness and easily kept. Ageing reverses, worry is dissolved, and we realize we could live for an average of 200 years and move onto the next training ground with ease. Our words, thoughts and actions are creative when connected with meditation, prayer and disciplined warrior action. We speak and sing a new language of heartfelt affirmations. This gives the Source clear and wise messages that we are “ready” to be totally connected to the power of being at one with Source.
Humans choose to dissolve the parasite of fear that comes from the negative mass media and many other sources. Our whole drama of false beliefs and negative agreements are seen and transformed through actions of intense warrior love. Our impeccable word “hovers over the water” and we give thanks from our infinite heart of love and healthy love returns multiplied. And so it is.

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