Tuesday, 19 May 2015

A special meeting!

A special meeting that changed my life

Meeting a woman called Jo Berry was such a heart-warming experience for me. I heard her speak with the ex-IRA bomber, Patrick McGee, who killed her father at the Brighton bombing. Both she and the ex-bomber were on stage, talking so honestly together, at a Leeds Peace forum. Reconciliation can happen with deep healing. Do watch the TED Talk on YouTube called: “Disarming with Empathy.” It holds so much of what I believe in action about forgiveness!
When you understand someone else’s story, you realize why and how people can commit dreadful acts of violence. When you transform your pain, you and I can choose to empathize with our adversaries. When you know the true history everything makes sense.
Jo Berry says on the website, Building Bridges for Peace: "I passionately believe that there is humanity in everyone, and every time we demonize the “other” we are delaying the onset of peace in this world."

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