Wednesday, 13 May 2015


Regret balanced by a gift from a dream

I admit I could not go to see my father before he died. Looking back, I realize I allowed my own fear to stop me. I regret this, but I am not going to beat myself up! Guilt never accomplishes real healing love. What did happen was that the Divine gave me a lovely gift. It was a dream that mother and father were both sitting on a rocking lounger, enjoying each other’s company, with beautiful classical music playing, including opera, which they both loved here on Earth. And in the beautiful dream, a voice assured me: “They are fine; do not worry!” I woke up crying with joy and deep gratitude. Now, you may say that’s merely an appeasement of my guilt. I say, “No!” Guilt creates fear. I let go of my fear and guilt with love and forgiveness!
Let’s lighten up with an absurd funny story!

The Doctor’s Diagnosis—A Sufi Tale

A man was in bed, very sick. He had not eaten or spoken for two days, and his wife thought the end was near, so she called the doctor.
The doctor gave the old man a very thorough physical examination. He looked at his tongue, lifted his eyelids to examine his eyes, listened to his chest through his stethoscope, tested his reflexes by hitting his knee with a little hammer, felt his pulse, looked in his ears, and took his temperature. Finally, he pulled the bed sheet over the man’s head, pronounced, in somber tones, “I’m afraid your husband has been dead for two days.”
At that moment, the old man pulled back the sheet, lifted his head slightly, and whispered anxiously: “No, dear, I’m still alive!”
The man’s wife pushed his head back down again, covered him once more with the bed sheet, and snapped, “Be quiet! Who asked you? The doctor is an expert; he ought to know!”

Insight: We must never give our power away to those whom we think know more than we do. I had a leg injury from running, and I went to a doctor who said I required an operation. In his opinion, he doubted I would never run or dance again. I said, “You are not going to touch my body. I will find someone who can help my healing without surgery.” I did—a chiropractor. And in six weeks I was running. Now at sixty-five years of age, I dance each and every week.

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