Wednesday 23 April 2014


Fire walks became a time for change!

Do we live in a dungeon of past hurt and fear of future, or a palace of possibility?
When I did my first fire walk, it blew my mind that we could choose to walk on red-hot coals without getting burnt. What scientists say is impossible. Well, we can do it with our mind, body, and spirit, in total harmony. My Chi was higher than the fire’s Chi!
I am limitless” was my affirmation as I walked across those red coals on a wet night. It was like calling my spirit back. And out of that fire walk came this new affirmation:
“I surround myself with people I love and they love me and we have honest and true friendship!”

I know the two fire walks I did, gave me a massive inner courage, to know whatever comes down the tube of life I can handle it with less lies and self-deception. If I can walk on hot coals and not burn, I can face truth and change myself for the better, without crucifying myself and making myself so wrong. It felt like a process of purification.

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