Friday 30 May 2014

My work is Warrior Love!

The Quiet Revolution of abundant Warrior Love
I suggest warrior love is about exploring our capacity to draw from an infinite wise well of love. That loving relationships are the norm and we are naturally good at loving, where we no longer allow our parasitical negative conditioning to puncture our natural ability to be love, loving and loveable.
I suggest that we need alternative ways of reconnecting to warrior love.  I believe we need different people at different times in our life that bring fresh love into our lives; that one partner for life, often cannot suffice for our real needs.  Our conditioned fear so often says, “no!  I want just one person to love me and nobody else.” Where the fear of abandonment is too much.
I suggest we need new relationship choices and the one I talk about later in this book is Polyamory – which simply means we openly and honestly love more than one person and are learning without guilt or shame to be honest to our primary partner and vice-versa.
I believe we can learn how to reduce jealousy and making each other and ourselves wrong for this open relationship change!  Monogamy has served us as one model for many generations.  However, people are becoming increasingly separated, because we, as individuals, are rapidly changing and one reason for this is that we are learning to love who we truly are.  This in turn can make us more loving and loveable. This new way of being needs to be embraced and understood otherwise future children will grow in an atmosphere of conflict and arguments of “who is right?” and “who is wrong?”

A new consciousness creates a new reality

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