Saturday 17 May 2014


Heal your secrets now!

I see that when we hold secrets this creates an energy that never finds peace.  Over time, secret lives become lies and eat away at us inside, through fear, guilt, shame, and resentment. Consequently, we can invite painful exits from this life. So I suggest to you, do the work now! Learn to love the parasite of fear right “out” of you. Don’t leave it to your deathbed! Find love inside, and become ever so loveable! I promise it creates miracles of self-acceptance with deep appreciation. Do read the wonderful book, The Voice of Knowledge by Don Miquel Ruiz.
Both my parents were highly intelligent, yet had no inner awareness or wisdom of why and how they could change their lives for the better.

Suggestion: Read self-help books, go to groups, write and speak affirmations, meditate, learn new talents like dancing, let go of negative relationships in leisure time and at work. Attract new relationships! Learn about how to dissolve guilt and stop being a victim in every area of life. I feel this is worth repeating. Do read Guiding Principles for Life Beyond Victim Consciousness by Lynne Forrest. She clearly describes ways to come out of the victim, rescuer, and persecutor triangle.

Guilt: separation insurance

Sondra Ray puts it so succinctly in her book, Loving Relationships:

Guilt is the mafia of the mind. It is a protection plan you sell yourself to avoid anticipated punishment… (This is why guilt is always accompanied by resentment.).Guilt is the major obstacle to success in relationships. How can you let yourself receive unconditional love when you fear the consequences? How can you surrender to love when you fear loss? How can you give yourself what you most desire when deep down you feel unworthy?

Later, she adds:

Imagine the consequences of believing that you being alive hurts your lovers! This one thought can cause you to suppress your feelings, withhold your joy, and deny your divinity for the sake of others. And if you are in love with someone special, you might even be willing to hurt yourself physically (and die) to protect your partner from aliveness.

Don’t concentrate only on how awful life is or was. I know you could say my story is doing that, but getting it out and owning it is part of the healing process. Write and own your story. This can help you let go of the person you think you’re supposed to be and fully embrace who you truly 

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