Saturday 8 March 2014


Sitting in my quaker hotel listening to the spring birds and the quiet roar of London traffic; I feel a sadness and an elation at being a man at a personal growth conference called "Ignite! I can Do IT!

I feel so close to success in writing my truth, in my book Warrior Love. Where my ego had to face the end, a parting from a beautiful woman, that I had lied too about being a Polyamorous man. A dark night for my ego!

At the conference understandably I feel a slight suspicion against me coming out as a natural male lover of self from the beautiful women who attend this Ignite conference. 

I feel female energy watch me on guard!

"Who is this man that wears bright clothes? He looks old enough to be my dad, yet he moves like a teenager!" A tap on the shoulder 

"I am curious I want to talk to you says a lively beautiful woman!"

For me it feels like coming home to where I belong. To the Hay House community of mainly women who are searching for their true empowerment and creativity. The women are amazingly strong and self-assertive.  

"Men Come Out!" I cry inside, "Where are you?"! It always saddens me that at personal growth conferences, whose theme is learning to love oneself, there are so few men. There are a few great man speakers that enthral me.
I feel sad when men are so often creating possible wars within themselves of loneliness and grabbing love from outside themselves.

Connection: The beauty I love in human beings is wanting to connect deeply with people I meet. I sit next to a lovely Italian woman and she tells me her story of two men who have hurt her. My heart hurts and I ask inside myself.  "Where are you men? Why won't you learn to love you and be great lovers and truly come from your hearts?"

On this Sunday spring morning I feel I want to ignite a world of men to be real with one another and search their hearts for huge unconditional love.

Men can we create miracles of love not war, and end our enslavement to being isolated and drugged with negative conditioning? I believe we can be great fathers, brothers, lovers and be trusted. We can stop lying and be with our truth. We can listen and match the empowerment of women and appreciate their inner power to heal this world. I love women like Louise Hay who ignite women and men to be all they can be.

My intention is to work increasingly with men who lie to themselves, who believe they are unloveable and have to grab love from women and possibly children. 

I feel increasingly a roar from this beautiful earth:

"Men love me! Don't destroy me!"

We men can turn our hearts, our minds to love rather than hate. We can ignite love not fear. We can forgive our whole gender for making choices that bring hurt and misery. We can ask our angels of love, to open a portal to the male consciousness. We can connect to being emotionally, spiritually and sexually literate. We can ignite love not war. I love being a warrior of love! Would you men join me? The world is crying out for men to love and for give that love to women and children and our beautiful planet.

My love is to serve! Roger King Warrior Love

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