Tuesday 11 February 2014

What is Warrior Love?


What is Warrior Love? 

It is waking up to an inspirational energy of thought that becomes a brave belief, that we can be truthful about our ability to love life, past all our conditioned beliefs of fear. The fear that holds so many negative limiting beliefs. We have as humans accepted so easily that life has to have pain and hurt of inner and outer wars, slavery, corruption, injustice and abuse of many kinds. This vibration has such low healing creative messages and creates what we say we don't want.

I believe warrior love is an energy that creates a love of all. We learn to be connected to every human, every animal and every plant and planet. I believe we have the capacity to love ourselves past all our frailties, blind spots and we can radiate this radical healing energy wherever we go. It starts with our heart opening, that each day we open our arms and say to the universe: "I am open and receptive to all good." This one act each day can be repeated consciously as a signal to the SOURCE! 

We are ready to be a warrior of love! Then we can open our heart to the vast unused mind/brain that we so rarely use. Our vibration and the powerful intention begins to vibrate at the same resonance as the invisible love that is around us and flows through us. 
This energy then touches every thought, feeling, emotion and action. We become creative, we learn to open our capacity to love past all fear, criticism, guilt, resentment and the feeling of not being good enough.
We learn and truly experience unconditional love. Let me quote from my book Warrior Love. 

"Learning about love and how to love

If you have ever been in a relationship with another person that has gone past its time, then you may have some empathy for this inner journey. If you have ever asked questions like: Who am I? What is my purpose? What is Love? Then this retreat may be life-changing for you. I welcome you and your entire story… your beliefs, race, religion, sexual preferences, prejudices, fears, criticisms, guilt, and deep resentment at the lies you have allowed to condition you. 

Often I experience people cry for “what could have been” as they let love heal their past and present lives. Don’t wait any longer do it now. Don’t wait for everything to be right; you might be on your deathbed by then!

I want to know who I am, and I want to connect to you in that oasis of truth that goes beyond our personalities and the masks we put on to survive. I will use stories to go past our hurt and pain to discover what wise and truly unconditional loving spirits you and I are.

As a counselor for many years, I have listened to many people say, “If only I wasn’t married anymore, I would be happy!” Or, “If only he (or she) were different then …” Or, “What would people say if I left the relationship (job, church, synagogue, or mosque)?” Or, “I wish I could meet the right person; then I would be happy.” Or, “I wish I had more money; then I would…” Or, “I wish I wasn’t brought up a Catholic (Jew or Protestant and Muslim).” Or, “What if my church (my friends, my coworkers, my family) knew what I was really like!” And sometimes, “I wish I had never been born!”

What I want to hear from those who read this book is this: “Thank God somebody heard me. Someone knows what it’s like to be me!” I want to know what lies you have chosen to hold onto because of fear in order to create your own so-called “real world” of toughness, isolation and dis-ease. I want to facilitate our healing through sharing our vulnerable selves with a heart, breaking open with truth. This creates, I believe, an open heart… vast, passionate, and vulnerable… that can realign us to our true selves and convey infinitely more love than we have experienced before. I want you to consider love as a way of being independent of any other person. That love is a state of consciousness. 

As clinical psychologist’ Dr. Deborah Anapol says about love that she learned from her teachers: “The thing is, love is a choice you can only make for yourself, not for anyone else.” Instead of “falling in love” helplessly or accidentally, they [her teachers]... “spoke of ‘rising in love’ after removing all resistance.”. When we love ourselves without resistance, then I believe we become a warrior of love! Judgment and taking offense are outside the space of love. I realize now love is an infinite space where we can dissolve fear and all our negative conditioning, especially our fear of self."

So reader I ask you to leave comments and open your arms each day as this man does on this cover and say: "I AM OPEN AND RECEPTIVE TO ALL GOOD. AND SO IT IS." Then give thanks as you experience your rising love of all including yourself. Thanks do email me if you prefer. rogerking3@btinternet.com 

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